Wednesday, December 6, 2006

We got a house and I started my period...

...which is really no surprise since we really didn't give it a good try last month...but it did come two days early and about 5 minutes after I found out that our offer had been accepted on the house. Today's phone calls included setting up a home inspection and calling my RE's office to talk about my first clomid/IUI cycle.

The home inspection call went well, Friday at 11am - easy enough. My call to the RE was a little rough. I am sure I am making this harder than they should be...but things just didn't seem to be adding up - so I sent an email to the patient coordinator to try and double check - we shall see.

Here is a picture of our new house. It is a brick ranch built in 1925 - it has a ton of vintage charm. We are going to have to update a few things...but overall, we love it!

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