Thursday, December 14, 2006

Clomid & The Importance of Fluoride

Today was my last day of Clomid, CD9 (or 10) if you count my stupid cycle starting in the grey zone. Because of this, I am going to start my OPK today.

It is really strange, I had all these ideas of what taking Clomid would be like, that I would feel something happening inside...but other than crying A LOT, there is not much else to report.

I am scheduled for an ultrasound on 12/18 to see what IS happening, unless of course I get an LH surge before that...I am nervous that I am going to miss the surge! What time is best to test...I have heard it all??

AND, yesterday I got the joy of writing my dentist a check for $2,100! You see, I grew up on well water before it was fluorinated and therefor have really f'cked up teeth. They are really straight and really white and REALLY full of cavities! I finally had to bite the bullet and get two ceramic inlays ($$$) and then two minor (new) cavities filled. I also am supposed to start using Rx toothpaste which is ridiculously expensive - between that and my vitamins, and my husbands vitamins (RE has him on Vitamins E & C, a multi and co enzyme Q-10) it adds up FAST!


Audrey said...

Hi click..thanks for visiting my blog at http://infertilitysuckssoletsvent.

The clomid never really affected me but it never helped me get pregnant either..
The clomid challenge test did not yield good results for me at all and I am not eligible to do IVF...
so good luck on the clomid to you--perhaps it will work better in your case! --Audrey

Audrey said...

Click, where are you in Colorado? I'm in Denver...

yes, we have absolutely NO coverage so be conservative with how many blood draws and tests they do on you--don't let them barrage you with tests or you'll end up broke!

Stephanie said...

All I had with Clomid was wicked hot flashes! Oh it was horrible. I didn't resond to the Clomid at all...only one follicle.
Hope you have better results.

Baby Blues said...

I'm still hoping Clomid will work for me. My RE says I respond well to it. But responding well and inducing my ovulation doesn't guarantee pregnancy.

ellie said...

Ah yes, clomid-- when I tried that I cried incessantly and nothing made sense. I felt as though I was speaking a foreign language and no one else had the code. I wish you luck on your cycle.

CLHK said...

Thank you for all of your comments, it is just so nice to talk to people who have a clue what it feels like to struggle getting pregnant...

I am getting more used to blogging and am trying to keep up with it...I am wishing you all the best and will keep checking in with all of you!

Sprouts Of Joy said...

Hi click,

I learnt that clomid does have some effect on mucus etc. I had included some information i came across to help losen the mucus. Check out my blog .. I had also included some urls with more details.

Sprouts Of Joy said...
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