Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I am WEAK!

So I have been doing REALLY good.

Mexican restaurant with friends - no margs and a grilled fish taco.
Working out almost everyday
No Caffeine

So on Saturday night when I met my girlfriends I had every intention of keeping it up...then it turned into a dance party, with cosmos. Long story short, I fell off the wagon and onto the dance floor, but it was so fun, I felt like a kid again...or at least a 21 year old. The debauchery continued on Sunday when I went for coffee (at least it was decaf) to help my headache.

I was really depressed and pissed at myself on Sunday, kept berating my actions. The good news is that instead of deciding that all was ruined because of my indiscretions, I jumped back into my health kick on Monday(this is new for me, usually if I screw up, I just keep getting worse). I keep reminding myself that I am using April to get used to all of these changes and that I still have time to really make a difference in my body and hopefully in my reproductive health. I go again!


Baby Blues said...

I'm so proud of you! I still haven't set foot on the gym. But this afternoon I will. I'm bad. And yes, I'm weak too.

Stephanie said...

Glad you are back on the wagon. I have been off it for so long now. I made a vow to clean up my act, start eating right, working out and all that crap. Today is Monday...I guess I should start today, but I am going out to lunch with frineds. Always an excuse for me!!

TeamWinks said...

Sounds like you had a blast to me! I'm sending you something in the mail tomorrow! :-)

Cajun Cutie said...

I hope you are well. I would have sent an email, but I didn't see a link to do so. I noticed your blog hadn't been updated in a while and just wanted to make sure you were o.k.
Braces Bunch