Thursday, January 4, 2007


This is how I feel today. CD 30, no cycle, no BFP, wtf? I don't feel pregnant, although I really did feel pregnant during the 2ww, crazy, now I really don't know what to think.

Did Clomid lengthen any of your cycles?


Stephanie said...

oh, gosh. i can't remember if it lengthen my cycle or not. Have you considered taking a POAS?

Stephanie said...
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BigP's Heather said...

Clomid actually shortened my cycle. Helped regulate me.

CLHK said...

Thanks! I POAS Wed and today, both negative. My doctors office has said to wait a week (from wed) and if nothing come in for a blood test. UGH!

Inglewood said...

It didn't lengthen my cycle but I had 2 chemical pregnancies on that protocol. So I got my period late. Are you on progesterone suppositories? They can make you late.

CLHK said...

Honestly, I think I might have had a chemical this go around. I tested on Saturday and thought it was an evap line but now that my period is late for no reason and I am not on progesterone, I can't really reason much else. I just wish it would start already to I could move on!!

deanna said...

Hi there!

When we did our last Clomid/IUI cycle, it did lengthen my cycle, but only by about 2 days. Hope this helps!

Evillage said...

We have had 2 long cycles with BFNs. Not sure if they are chemical pregs or not. Clomid for the most part has shortened the cycles except for the 2 long questionable ones.