Monday, December 10, 2007

I SUCK as a Braces Buncher

I have gotten myself ready multiple times to send out letters, notes, ANYTHING.... some of you might even get one soon! But I just can't keep up and I am sorry. SO, because I don't want to give up, I am vowing to keep up with your is my New Year's resolution! I will also try to touch base whenever I can!

Happy Birthday to Becky, Kim & April - hope it's a great year!

Look for your birthday surprises in 2008!


Caro said...

I suck too. Keep promising myself I'll do better and then missing birthdays as well.

Mandy said...

I suck too. We will all have to put in a better effort next year! :-(

Cajun Cutie said...
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Cajun Cutie said...

I think it is like the dominance principle in International Relations. We have a braces bunch system where some members do more than others but we all try and we all benefit. I think JJ is amazing and I love the braces bunch.

TeamWinks said...

I do my best, but I only do well in spurts. Perhaps I will try and send out one card every Saturday or something.

LJ said...

hey - I wanna spill my secret but totally don't know your email...

Send me something to ljauss AT gmail DOT com :)

Delenn said...

Thanks for the Birthday Wishes and Happy Holidays!

Waiting Amy said...

Hope you have a chance to get your notes out!

Thanks for stopping by and offering encouragement! Sounds like you are working with a great clinic. I just read a little about CGH recently, it sounds so interesting.

Good luck on your cycle!

N7 said...

YOU suck as a Braces Buncher? Try being me! lol! Once I get out of the hospital here I am making a conscious effort to dedicate 20 million hours to catching up and reading and snail mailing!
And a THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your birthday wishes! It made my day which is why I ealize what an evil person I am. Getting a card, a postcard, a note, a piece of poop in the mail just makes my day. Just to know & see that someone is thinking of you.

C said...

Just checkin' on on you since you haven't posted other than you say you suck:) I hope all is well with you. Please update soon!

Cibele said...

I suck too! Happy 1st anniversary anyway!